by Danny Hanke
Danny is a software developer and has worked at FIO in Leipzig since 2014. In 2016 he took the opportunity to stay with the FIO teams in Sofia for six months. He liked it so much that he stayed ever since. As a team leader, his work increasingly focused on cultural and structural issues. He is now continuing this by supporting other Hypoport companies as Managing Director of Hypoport Sofia, by building teams and taking care of a nourishing culture that will enable their growth. Seeing a team working and building something together as well as overcoming challenges in a professional and friendly manner is very satisfying to him. In his career he has been lucky enough to be part of such teams and he hopes he can help to create such teams in the future. Before the pandemic he was traveling quite often between Sofia, Leipzig and Berlin. Although working remotely has not slowed them down, he has to admit that the personal exchange during visits cannot be replaced and he is looking forward to his next trip to Berlin.
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